Mampong Municipal honours 35 year old young man as best farmer

The 34th National Farmers Day was celebrated at Penteng - Nwaase in the Mampong Municipality with the theme "Agriculture, Moving Ghana Beyond".

Date Created : 12/11/2018 1:39:37 AM : Story Author : Addai Brobbey/

Thomas Appiah Kubi MCE of the Municipality in his address said the President Akuffo Addo led government has made Agriculture one of its major priorities.

That is why the government has introduced a lot of programs geared towards value addition to our Agric sector to improved farming methods, we can generate adequate revenue from foreign exchange and produce healthy food to feed the rest of the population.

This explains why flagship programs introduced by this government such as One Village - One Dam, 1D1F, 1D1W are generally regarded as timely and useful. The idea is to assist farmers move from rain-dependent and small tool farming to irrigation and mechanized farming, where farmers would produce to feed established factories across the country.

Hon MCE further said other Government flagship program Planting for Export and Rural Development also aimed at identifying about six additional Cash crops such as Cashew, Oil palm, Coconut, Rubber, Coffee, Shea-nut, and produce them in the quantities of cocoa. This will increase the yield of such produce and therefore increase our foreign exchange when they are exported.

Mr. Appiah Kubi said the Mampong Municipal Assembly in the 2018 crop season supplied forty thousand (40,000) seedlings of cashew to beneficiary farmers for free to cultivate 1000 acres of bag product. He said the Assembly is also in the process of nursing to supply Thirty thousand (30,000) oil palm seedlings to cultivate 500 acres of land also in the oil palm.

The Mampong MCE again said Planting for food and Jobs program which is in its second year has also helped the country. In the year 2018, 8,395 farmers in Mampong Municipality received farm inputs ranging from maize, rice, tomato, pepper seeds and fertilizers at a reduced prices. He appealed to beneficiary farmers under the program who are having outstanding debt to quickly settle the amount to enable others benefit accordingly.

Hon Appiah Kubi alert the gathering that the harmattan season is here with us and therefore advised to avoid starting bushfires for we may not know where it would lead to." You are reminded that the Assembly would strictly apply its Bye- Laws on Bushfires if anybody is caught to have violated the ban on starting bushfires ", he said.

The Mampong MCE used the opportunity to invite and encourage the teeming youth to utilize the vast opportunities in agricultural enterprises such as farming, aquaculture and animal rearing. Agriculture is becoming more and more attractive venture especially under this current government.

The Assembly rewarded about Twenty farmers in this year’s celebration. The 35 year old who took the sword as 2018 Best Farmer in the Mampong Municipality Kwame Kwarteng took home "Aboboyaa" Tricycle to enable him convey farm produce.

Kwame Kwarteng in an interview appealed to the government to regulate the size of bag they used to buy grains in the country which will bring more money to the farmers. Some roads in the Municipality needs to be constructed to make farmers transport their farm produce to market centers.

The Best Farmer advice colleague youth to engage themselves in agricultural and atop social vices such as Tramadol abuse, alcoholism, prostitution, arm robbery etc. He further appreciate the good work of Hon Thomas Appiah Kubi MCE for his contribution to farmers in the Municipality and asked him to continue like that till the end.

The celebration was chaired by Nana Agyei Bosafo Nwaasehene, Traditional leaders, Assembly Members, Heads of Department, Farmers, and Past Award winners were there to support the program.