Hohoe MCE accounts for stewardship, rubbishes non-performance allegation

Teddy Ofori, Hohoe Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) has refuted allegations of non-performance by the Municipal Assembly, saying that the Assembly was doing well.

Date Created : 7/10/2019 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Edward Williams

He said his accusers failed to substantiate the allegations, which he said sought to malign his character, tarnish his image and the reputation of the Office of the Hohoe Municipal Assembly and called on the Public Relations and Compliance Committee (PRCC) of the Assembly
to investigate the allegations.

The MCE at a press conference on Tuesday said through hard work, perseverance and judicious use of resources, the Assembly held the enviable position of number one among 25 District and Municipal Assemblies in the Volta and Oti Regions for five consecutive times,
unprecedented in the 40 year history of the Assembly.

He said due to pragmatic steps initiated by his administration to augment revenue collections and also block revenue leakages, the financial performance of the Assembly in 2018 had seen tremendous

Mr Ofori said for instance out of a total projected internally generated revenue of GH¢990,890.00 for the year 2018, an amount of GH¢1,008,427.35, representing 102 per cent was mobilized, which remained the best since 2015 and years preceding.

The MCE said "as at December 2016, the Assembly was indebted to contractors and supplies to the tune of GH¢3,928,399.03, out of which only GH¢828,692.83 was paid by the previous administration, leaving a balance of GH¢3,099,706.20."

He said resources available to the Assembly were used to pay for construction of three unit classroom block at Lolobi Kumase, provided counterpart funding for construction of six unit classroom blocks for the Hohoe Methodist school and Likpe Bala Basic school.

Also the Assembly paid for the completion of a two-storey Art and Culture Centre and as well completing and furnishing of the Administration block, ICT centre and conference rooms of Likpe Senior High School.

Mr. Ofori said some projects, including the construction of a 10-seater water closest with biogas for Akpafu and Afadjato Secondary Technical Schools, Hohoe E.P and St. Mary's Senior High Schools, solar powered boreholes for Likpe Alavanyo, Akpafu Sokpo, Fodome Agbesia, CHPs compound at Likpe Koforidua and drilling and mechanisation of three boreholes for Akpafu Todzi Alavanyo Dzogbedze and Likpe Avedzeme, all at various levels of completion in the Municipality.

He said the Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund) also provided dormitories as well as 12 and 18 unit classroom blocks, with some yet to be completed for some Senior High Schools in the Hohoe Municipality.

The MCE said some roads had also been reshaped such as Hohoe to Fodome, resealing of a 10 kilometre Hohoe township road, adding that, selected roads in the Municipality would soon be constructed under the Sino Hydro Infrastructure Project Fund.

He said the Assembly was also constructing a Rural Technology Facility at Godenu Industrial park to train the youth in metal fabrication and also to produce farm implements and processing equipment, and that, it was not true that since 2017 the Assembly had not initiated any
development project as alleged.