72 Persons with Disabilities receive support from Hohoe Municipal Assembly

A total of 72 Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) have received economic and educational empowerment from the Hohoe Municipal Assembly.

Date Created : 12/8/2022 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Edward Williams/

Out of the number, 27 of them received deep freezers, table kiosks stocked with provisions, fufu pounding machines, ovens, beauticians' accessories and industrial sewing machines while 44 received educational support and one received apprenticeship support.

Mr. Daniel Noble Awume, Hohoe Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), who presented the items disclosed that the effort of the government to support PWDs was a good one and very helpful.

He said the Assembly had also added a little token to the items the beneficiaries received as support and urged them to take good care of the items.

Mr. Awume bemoaned the situation where most PWDs gave up on their conditions and urged them to always be hopeful.

Mr. Elolo Agyei, Chairman, Hohoe Branch of the Ghana Federation of the Disabled, said PWDs in the Municipality had recognised the efforts of government and the Assembly in enhancing their living standards.

He appealed to the government through the Assembly for an increase in the PWDs quota to five per cent from the current three per cent.

Mr. Agyei also admonished beneficiaries to put their items received to their intended purposes.

Mr. Henry Yanpalleh, Municipal Social Welfare Officer, said the items were provided based on the need assessment of beneficiaries.