Gomoa East Assembly completes ongoing projects

The Districts Chief Executive (DCE) for Gomoa East District in the central Region, Mr. Benjamin Kojo Otoo has been able to complete some ongoing projects most of which were inherited from the previous government for the betterment of the District.

Date Created : 1/29/2018 7:55:45 AM : Story Author : Theresa Workartey/

He said that quite a number of projects were still ongoing when he assumed office, and he decided to complete those projects before he starts new ones which will equally bring development into the district.

The DCE indicated that most of the projects he completed are being used, such as; Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) compound at Gomoa Lome, CHPS Compound at Gomoa Asebu, CHPS Compound at Gomoa Dahum and 3 additional CHPS Compound about 77% complete.

He added that 3-unit classroom block with ancillary facilities at Gomoa Ofaso and 6 unit classroom blocks at Gomoa Poten have also been completed and in use.

Mr. Otoo said the source of fund for the projects were District Assembly Common Fund (DACF) and Internally Generated Fund (IGF).