MCE holds meeting with heads of religious, educational institutions

A special meeting to brief heads of religious and educational institutions on the government’s directives on the reopening of schools and churches was held across the Tano South Municipality.

Date Created : 6/12/2020 6:29:12 AM : Story Author : Barnie K. Agyeman/

The Municipal Director for Education, Mrs. Mabel Botokro in her opening address said that through the goodness of God and the efforts of the President and his government, issues of coronavirus has been well contained in our country and due to that, the government has eased restrictions to allow some church activities and educational activities to resume.

Talking about education, she mentioned some of the measures put in place by the ministry of education in consultation with GES and other key stakeholders.

Mrs. Botokro said all educational institutions will be opened for only final year students across the country and mentioned that all extra-curricular activities have been banned in schools to keep students safe, class sizes have been reduced to 25 in a class.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) will be provided for all students, class hours have been reduced, among many other measures that have been put in place to ensure students safety till they write their final exams.

Ending her address, she urged parents and all stakeholders to do their parts to ensure that Ahafo region does not record a case of coronavirus.

The Municipal Director for Health, Dr. Peter Asare, said the earlier reports of a Covid-19 patient having contact with people in our municipality was true but a contact tracing and after the test was conducted, the results came out negative, meaning, Tano South Municipal and Ahafo region as a whole has not recorded any Covid-19 case yet.

He added that health workers in the municipality have been well trained and equipped to face this pandemic.

He continued that, the pandemic will obviously stay with us for a while and pleaded with the people to practice the safety measures put in place by the government, he continued by advising churches on how to have their church services without putting their members at risk.

He ended his address by reiterating his outfit’s readiness and commitment to protecting the people of Tano South and Ghana as a whole and urged all the people to call on them anytime need may be.

                         The Municipal Director for Education, Mrs. Mabel Botokro speaking the gathering

The Municipal Chief Executive for Tano South Municipal, Hon. Collins Takyi Offinam in his speech welcomed them and told the gathering that the government isn’t pleased with the hardship Ghanaians to have had to endure due to the outbreak of the COVID – 19 pandemic and it is doing everything within its power to protect lives and also make life a bit easier for Ghanaians.

He said this is one of the reasons that informed the government’s decision to ease restrictions, he said the easing of restrictions was necessary since the restrictions though important weren’t really helping the majority of Ghanaians.

He advised religious leaders to accept that we are not in normal times so they must heed to the directives that came with the opening of places of worship, such as disinfecting their places as often as required, observing social distancing protocols, amongst others.

He ended by thanking health workers and all the people in the municipality for their efforts in ensuring that the municipal and Ahafo haven’t recorded any case yet. He urged them to keep up the good work and help Ghana fight the COVID-19 pandemic.