30 days to census night lunch in Tano South

The Tano South Municipal Assembly like any other Assemblies in the country has Lunched 30 - days to the Census night in the Municipality.

Date Created : 6/1/2021 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Barnie K. Agyeman/Ghanadistricts.Com

The launch saw in attendance the Municipal Chief Executive for Tano South Municipal, Collins Offinam Takyi, the District Coordinating Director, Mr. Anthony Owusu-Amoako, the Education Director Mrs. Mabel Botokro, NCCE Director Madam Czarina Enyo Fiawutso, the Municipal Census Officer Mr. Barnabas Asamoah Boahene, Municipal Information Officer Mr. Barnie K. Agyeman, Nananom and Assembly Members.

In an opening address, the Municipal Census Officer Mr. Barnabas Asamoah Boahene explained the relevance of the Population and Housing Census to the participants and urged all and sundry to be cooperative as soon as they are visited by census officials to ensure the success of the programme. According to him, census makes government prepare a comprehensive policy on Ghana’s Development.

Mr. Asamoah said, this year's census aim to count persons and structures in the country and also provided update information of on demographic and housing conditions of the population and hinted that the information collected from the census will be used to make decisions about the welfare of Ghanaians.

Speaking at the Programme the Municipal Coordinating Director Mr. Anthony Owusu –Amoako welcomed all participants and thanked them for making time out of their busy schedule to attend the 2021 Population and Housing Census launching. He indicated that, the population and housing census will provide data on sex, age, birth and deaths, migration, and others.

He said the Tano South Municipal Assembly fully support the Census because it will address the data gaps needed for effective planning of sectoral programmes at the Municipal level and however stated that the said Assembly has earmarked facilities for keeping the census' logistics.

Hon. Collins Offinam Takyi, the MCE for Tano South welcomed all participants and said Ghana could not conduct its sixth census last year due to the emergence of COVID -19 pandemic and however indicated that, census has been conducted severally since 1891 by Ghana.

Hon. Takyi said, Census officials have been competitively recruited and are undergoing comprehensive and skilful training to prepare them for the exercise and reiterated that Field data collection will commence with the listing of all structures from 13th June 2021 whiles the Census night is set for 27th June 2021.

He emphasized that, the enumeration of all persons in residential household facilities as well as institutions and all other persons, will be enumerated from 28th June to 11th July 2021.

He said, memorable activities would be organized in the municipality to commemorate the census night and informed all persons not to travel to their hometowns because of the census. He said government continues to be committed to evidence –based decision making and planning in all facets of decision making in our development agenda and the census will provide them with adequate data to help measure, monitor and estimate the extent to which they have made progress in the national development agenda and the data collected will guide them to measure the socio-economic status of the people.

He said this years Census is unique and different from all censuses that Ghana has ever undertaken in several aspects of the exercise and even by the report that will emanate from this national exercise; it will be first fully digital Census to be conducted in Ghana, use of rich geospatial information, use of online dashboards and comprehensive data quality assurance procedures.

He said, the Census will cover all members of the society including the vulnerable and the disadvantage members in the society such as the person living with disabilities (PLWDs) orphanhood and vulnerable children, the elderly and even street families and urge all and sundry both Ghanaian and non Ghanaian who may be resident or non-resident, but may be in the Municipality on the Census Night 27th June 2021 to be ready to welcome Census Officials into their communities and places of residence and provide the necessary information for their enumeration.