Tano South holds General Assembly Meeting

The first of the General Assembly meeting of the Second Session of the Second Tano South Municipal Assembly has been held.

Date Created : 11/9/2021 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Barnie K. Agyeman/

The meeting which took place at the Municipal Assembly’s Conference Hall saw in attendance the MCE for Tano South Municipal, Collins Offinam Takyi, and the Presiding Member of the Assembly, Asare Antwi, the District Coordinating Director, Mr. Anthony Owusu- Amoako, The District Finance Officer, Mr. Alexaender Agyemang Badu, Heads of Department and Nananom.

In an opening address, the Presiding Member of the Assembly said, he was very glad and humbled to be given the opportunity to address the august house and also expressed his profound gratitude to the MCE, Assembly Members, and Member of Parliament for the Constituency, Nananom, Heads of Departments and all invited guest for honouring his invitation.

Mr Antwi said, this meeting provides the platform for Hon, Members to reflect on the development needs and aspiration of our people, and said by so doing take the right decision that would help in the accomplishment of the aspiration and the needs of the citizenry and said the meeting will give an open space and privileges to the participants and Members to deliberate on the developmental polices agenda of the Municipal.

He said the meeting was in fulfillment of the Local Government Act 2016, Act 936 and the model standing orders which empower the Members to meet periodically to deliberate on matters of concern and take decision for the best interest of our people we serve.

Asare Antwi explained that, the meeting should have taken place earlier but had to delay due to re-nomination and confirmation of the Municipal Chief Executive as well as the District Performance Assessment Tool (DPAT) exercise which took place on 11th and 12th October 2021 and urged Hon. Members to continue to eschew all forms of partisan tendencies that could derail their collective effort in accomplishing the desire goals for the betterment and transformation of the Municipality.

He said, his office received a letter from the Regional coordinating Council (RCC) informing the office about the purchase and distribution of the Motorbikes and the letter further assures that the Regional Coordinating Council (RCC) will soon take delivery of the Motorbikes for onward distribution to the Assemblies in the Region.

In a sessional address, the MCE, Collins Offinam Takyi expressed his utmost gratitude to His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo –Addo, the President of the Republic of Ghana for re-nominating him for the second time and to all Members for confirming him once again.

He also extended his appreciation to Mr. George Boakye, the Ahafo Regional Minister, Hon. Benjamin Yeboah Sekyere the Member of Parliament for Tano South Constituency, Nanamon and Heads of Department in the Municipality.

On security, Takyi said, the Municipality remains relatively calm and peaceful over the period except isolated cases of stealing, armed robbery, land disputes and chieftaincy disputes which the Municipal Security Council is closely monitoring to ensure peace and assured. He assure the Hon. Members, Nananom and Stakeholders that, the Assembly will do all it takes to support the security agency to enable them perform its core mandates and also announce that, Tano South Municipal now has Ghana Immigration Command and about ten (10) officers have been posted to work in the Municipality.

He said, Agriculture still remains one of the most attractive and important sector that seriously engages the attention of government; hence the interventions by the Government to make the sector more attractive to ensure economic growth.

The Department of Agriculture, he said, has also successfully assisted farmer based organization at Mansin, Onwe Nkwanta, Bechem and Derma. He explained that, there was the prevalence of fall army worm in 2018, government through the Department of Agriculture gave chemicals to the municipality to spray farms that are suspected to be affected and he therefore entreated the Members to inform their community members or farmers to report any suspected case on their farms to the Extension Officers for remedy.

Mr Takyi addressing on Health issues said, the Government through the Ghana Health Service and the Municipal Health Directorate have commenced the vaccination against the COVID-19 pandemic using the AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson vaccines.

He stressed that, the first phase of the exercise is targeted on health workers, adding that more vaccines will be received cover all communities. He therefore encouraged Assembly Members to accept the vaccines as remedy against the spread of the disease when the Ghana Health Service commences the vaccination.

He noted that, the Government introduced the Free Senior High School policy to help increase enrollment by providing equal opportunities for all.

He thanked Assembly Members, Heads of Department, Nananom for their support for the past years and request all to work collectively for the development of the Municipality.