Sunyani Municipal Assembly holds staff durbar

The Sunyani Municipal Assembly (SMA) has held a staff Durbar with a call on staff to improve upon work punctuality and attendance to boost development objectives of the Assembly.

Date Created : 6/2/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Alan T. Boakye-Yeboah/

The durbar was organized to address the shortcomings and challenges of staff and also find ways of addressing them.

It was also platform to allow staff to air their concerns and grievances and possibly offer constructive suggestions to help achieve the intended goals and objectives of the Assembly.

In his opening remarks the Municipal Coordinating Director Dr. Philip D. Baazeng commended the staff for their commitment and sense of duty over the period and urged them not to shirk their sense of duty and commitment to work.

He prevailed on all hardworking staff not to relent on their exemplary conduct, urging them to hold tightly to their work ethics such as punctuality, honesty, teamwork, integrity, and professionalism among others.

Mr. George Obeng Manu from Vanguard Life Assurance educated the staff on a new health insurance policy, Nationwide Insurance Policy to be rolled out for staff of the Local Government Service (LGS) to complement the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS).

He said that the scheme will serve as a fallback for conditions not covered by the NHIS and encouraged workers who qualify to sign up for the policy as it will go a long way to help them seek better and quality healthcare.

In his closing remarks the MCD, urged staff to sign up for the Nationwide Insurance Policy.

He encouraged staff to always take advantage of staff durbars to air grievances and make contributions for the development of the Assembly and the Municipality as a whole.

The staff commended management for the durbar and called for more of such platforms for engagements to bridge the communication gap between staff and management.