Assemblyman appeals for rehabilitation of school block

Mr. Nkrumah Boateng, the Assembly Member for Bayerebon Electoral Area in the Atwima Mponua District, has made a passionate appeal to the government, benevolent individuals, groups and organizations to help renovate the Bayerebon No.3 basic school.

Date Created : 2/15/2022 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Susana Danso/

According to him, the building has developed deep cracks, making it unsafe for the school pupils, adding that the situation has compared the pupils to study under trees due to constant fear that the building may collapse someday.

Mr. Boateng indicated that, the District Assembly promised to build ultra-modern one for them but they have delayed in executing the project.

"I have been informed that the project has come to the district waiting for tender board to advertise for potential bidder for smooth start but as at now, the pupils are studying under trees”, he said.

The Assemblyman therefore called on various stakeholders to help them rebuild the structure in order to enhance teaching and learning.

“We are appealing to all philanthropists and individuals who can help us to either renovate the classroom block or put in a new structure so that our students will learn under decent conditions for academic excellence”, he stressed.