ASUNAFO S: DCE calls for reconciliation

The District Chief Executive (DCE) for Asunafo South, Mr Osei Bonsu Snr. has called for an urgent establishment of a District Reconciliation Committee to bring all parties on board for effective decentralisation process to take off.

Date Created : 6/8/2017 5:37:20 AM : Story Author : Emmanuel Yaw Acheampong/

This decision according to the DCE would help established the actual cause of reprisal attacks between the two main political parties, the NDC and the NPP which has retard development in the area.

"Nananom it will interest you to know that, the Assembly spends over billions of Ghana cedis on Soldiers and Police Officer who are sent to protect us rather than carrying out developmental projects in the area", he said.

The DCE made these remarks when addressing the chiefs and people of Siana and Noberkaw at separate mini durbars as part of his familiarization tour of the District.

Mr. Osei Bonsu further advised the youth not to allow partisan politics to divide them, so that unity they could join hands to initiate development programmes that would improve their living standards.

He pledge to operate an open administration and welcome constructive criticisms from all manner of persons irrespective of their political and religious affiliation.



Mr Osei Bonsu further urged the people to support the NPP government to achieve her developmental agenda, now that the elections were over and gave an assurance that the government would work hard to bring an improvement in their lives.

In his welcome address, the chief of Siana Nana Kwadwo Boadi II appealed to the DCE for an extension of electricity to a newly developed area and rehabilitate the two bore holes which has been their major source of water supply in the community.

The chief of Noberkaw, Nana Bassua Kumanini III complained bitterly about an irrigation project that was started by the Kufour administration and abandoned by the 8 years of NDC administration and appealed to the DCE to reconstruct it.

He also urged the District Assembly to provide a place of convenience and teachers bungalow to save teachers in the community the hustle of commuting daily from Noberkaw.