DCE calls for the establishment of a reconciliation committee in Asunafo District

Mr. Osei Bonsu, the Asunafo South District Chief Executive, says the district urgently needs a reconciliation committee for peace to prevail in the area.

Date Created : 6/8/2017 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Emmanuel Yaw Acheampong

He said partisan politics has brought division among the people and it would require a reconciliation process to resolve the protracted dispute between supporters of the New Patriotic Party and the National Democratic Congress in the area.

This, the DCE said, was not only retarding the district's progress but threatened peace and security as well.

Mr. Bonsu said this when he addressed the chiefs and people of Siana and Nobekaw at separate meetings as part of his familiarization visits to predominantly cocoa-growing communities in the district.

He said the district assembly spent billions of cedis on the security agencies to help maintain law and order whenever there was a standoff between supporters of the two major political parties in the area.

Mr. Bonsu said such resources could be channeled into other development activities for the benefit of the people.

"This is why I am pleading with you to bury your differences and allow peace to reign for our own benefit", he said.

Mr. Bonsu said though "some people have the scar of political brutalities" there is the need for them to avoid reprisals, reconcile and give peace a chance for
development to thrive.

He urged the youth to see themselves as peace loving Ghanaians whose desire is to facilitate accelerated growth and development.

Mr Bonsu said the government needed the support of all in implementing programmes that would raise their standard of living.

Nana Kwadwo Boadi II, the chief of Siana, appealed to the district assembly to extend electricity to all sectors of the town and also rehabilitate the two boreholes which are the major sources of water supply in the community.

At Noberkaw, Nana Bassua Kumanini III, the chief of the area, expressed unhappiness at the discontinuation of an irrigation project that was started by former President John Agyekum Kufuor's administration.

He urged the District Assembly to construct a toilet and teachers' quarters in the community.