Two communities get mechanized borehole to manage COVID 19

Two Baptist organizations have presented solar power boreholes to Kampong and Bongnayili communities in the Central Gonja District of the Savanna Region and Kumbungu district in the Northern region.

Date Created : 5/21/2020 1:12:20 AM : Story Author :

This support was targeted at improving the health needs of the beneficiaries, especially in the period of the COVID -19 pandemic.

The communities before the intervention walked long distances to draw water from the existing hand pump borehole.

The mechanization reduced the distance by about 400m closer to the communities, and pipe to two different points with sprouts and connected to a 10,000 litres storage tank for each of the communities.

Deacon Paul Napari, the project leader of the organization said the project Ghs 27,482 and 88,718.00 to each of the communities and encourage them to utilize the facilities tool to fight the pandemic by regularly washing hands under running water and drinking enough water.

He further urged them to observe all protocols given by the Ghana Health Service to avoid contracting and spreading the virus.

Chiefs and representatives of the two communities expressed appreciation to the organization for the intervention and pledge to maintain the facility regularly extend the lifespan of the facility.