ASOKORE M: MCE nominee fails to get affirmation

Alhaji Alidu Seidu, the President’s nominee for the post of Municipal Chief Executive of the Asokore Mampong Municipal Assembly would have to do a lot more to convince assembly members in the municipality to be confirmed.

Date Created : 5/2/2017 2:43:15 AM : Story Author : Dominic Shirimori/ Gertrude Nadjat Achelogo/Ghanadistricts.com

The nominee failed his first attempt to be confirmed as he secured 7 votes as against 8 against, a result which fell short of the mandatory two-third majority required for the post.

His chances are however not closed yet as he has opportunity to test the waters and hopefully he will sail through at the next attempt.

There was near violence after the election but it was quickly brought under control following the intervention the Ashanti regional Minister, the Metropolitan Chief Executive of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly and other officials of the assembly.