Minister holds meeting with regional heads in Sunyani

The Bono Regional Minister, Justina Owusu-Banahene has held a meeting with Regional Heads of the Bono Coordinating Council in Sunyani.

Date Created : 3/3/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Rejoyce Ofori Tamea/

The purpose of the meeting was to offer collective advice and share ideas and best practices on Coordination, monitoring and evaluation of development plans as well as matters related to developmental planning and sectoral policies in the region.

The Regional Minister in her key note address commended the Regional Heads for their immense support and cooperation which bought an appreciable improvement in the lives of people during the previous year despite the economic challenges that ultimately affected departmental output as a result of inadequate financial and logistical support from the Central Government.

Touching on work ethics, attendance and punctuality, Madame Justina Owusu-Banahene emphasized on the need for Regional Heads to always be at post for subordinates officers to emulate them and their good work ethics. She added that measures be put in place by Heads to keep truck of staff attendance. She also entreated the Heads to discharge their duties well and supervise the performance of their subordinates to effectively and efficiently deliver to their mandate.

The Minister urged all heads of departments to summit their reports regularly to keep the RCC abreast with timely and relevant information required for planning purposes.