Members of Ketu-North District Assembly voted on their conscience

Members of Ketu-North District Assembly last Friday said rejection of Mr Moses Azaglo as Ketu-North District Chief Executive was the true reflection of the conscience of the majority.

Date Created : 6/8/2009 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : GNA

They rejected reasons being rumoured on the outcome of the voting as untrue and unfortunate in a resolution adopted at a special meeting at Dzodze.

Mr Azaglo, 54, a Teacher, polled 15 votes with 14 against on elections by the assembly on May 4 and May 13, far less than the mandatory two-thirds majority needed to approve his nomination.

The resolution alleged that "some assembly members have abandoned their homes and the streets to save their lives\" because of the reaction from the voting.

It said the assumption that voting pattern was based on divisions within the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) was not true.

The resolution stated: "The assembly members, acted within their democratic rights to 'reject or endorse a nominee\', which decision must not be considered as out of jurisdiction or disrespect to government.\"

On allegation that some members received some money but failed to vote for the nominee, they challenged anyone with evidence of bribery against any assembly member to report to the police for investigations.

They warned to boycott future meetings for the approval of any nominee unless measures were instituted to stop their harassment.

The resolution appealed to the security agencies to investigate allegations that the ballot papers used for the election supervised by the Ketu-North

District Electoral Office; were numbered to determine how each member voted.

Mr Stephen Atatsi, Presiding Member said the meeting was to heal wounds and asked members to put aside the insults, assaults and allegations against them over the issue in the interest of the socio-economic development of the area.

They assigned government appointees to various sub-committees of the assembly at the meeting.