Sekyere East introduces Pay-as-you-fetch policy

The Sekyere East District Assembly has introduced a Pay-as-you-fetch policy to help raise revenue to maintain boreholes and other water supply facilities in the communities within the area.

Date Created : 10/15/2018 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Gideon D. Ebbah/

The new policy allows water and sanitation committees to collect fees from the people when they use water from the community water supply systems.

Mr Emmanuel Adjei Baafi, the Presiding Member (PM), who announced this said the aim is to generate adequate revenue to ensure prompt maintenance and rehabilitation of water supply systems in the communities to ensure uninterrupted flow of potable water.

He was speaking at the 2nd ordinary general meeting of the Assembly at Effiduase.

Mr. Baafi pointed out that persistent financial constraints had over the years made it difficult for the assembly to ensure prompt maintenance and rehabilitation of boreholes and other water supply systems in rural communities, making it difficult for the people to access quality water.

The policy, according to him, was being introduced as an effective measure to mobilize the needed financial resources for community members to maintain and repair their water systems without relying on the assembly.
It would also engender community ownership of the water facilities and promote effective supervision at community levels.

Mr Baafi said the amount to be charged together with its accountability and safety would be decided by members of the community under their own circumstances.

Mr. Charles Attah-Mensah, the District Coordinating Director urged the Assembly Members to cooperate with members in their electoral areas in ensuring that the policy was smoothly implemented and sustained for the benefit of the people.

He also called for effective community participation and collaboration in the implementation of the policy to ensure ownership.