Sekyere East Assembly members receive motorbikes

The District Chief Executive (DCE) for Sekyere East Mr. Osei Adiyiah has presented motorcycles to all Assembly Members in the district to aid their movement and also ensure that they effectively and efficiently carry out their mandate.

Date Created : 4/28/2022 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Susana Danso/

The motorbikes were procured by the Government through the Ministry of Local Government, Decentralization and Rural Development for distribution to assembly members across the country.

Handing over the motorbikes to the Assembly members, the DCE advises them to use the motorbikes to maintain close contact with their electorates and the assembly and not use them for commercial purposes.

He said the work of the district assemblies would be more appreciable if assembly members, their electorate and unit committees work closely, by providing the assembly with well-structured information that would help in facilitating the development programs of the assembly.

He cautioned against reckless riding of the motorcycles and also advised them to use helmets at all times to ensure their safety.

The Presiding Member of the Assembly on behalf of the Assembly members thanked the President and the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development for the motorbikes and promised they would handle them with care.