Assembly member appeals for assistance for school

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and philanthropists have been asked to assist in the reconstruction of Atiabisi Primary District Assembly School that collapsed as a result of heavy rains.

Date Created : 10/22/2009 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : GNA

Mr. Emmanuel Nsor-Atindana, Assembly Member for Tarongo and Atiabisi Electoral Area in the Bongo District, who made the appealed, expressed worry that classes were being held under trees affecting teaching and learning.

He said that the school was started with 100 school children in 2007 through his initiative and support from the community and the Member of Parliament for the area.

Mr. Nsor-Atindana, who is also the Presiding Member for the Bongo District Assembly, said the has been an increase in enrolment due interventions including the School Feeding Programme, Capitation Grant and food ration provided by World Vision. 

Mr. Akuribire Atingani, head teacher of the School, appealed to the authorities to provide drinking water and accommodation for teachers to promote education in the area.