Goo-Atandaa Primary & Kg Receive School Uniform from DCE

The District Chief Executive [DCE] of Bongo, Mr. Peter Ayinbisa Ayamgaon has presented 160 pieces of school uniform to pupils of the Goo-Atandaa Primary and Kindergarten schools. This comes just a week after he had made a promise to the authorities and pupils of the school when he visited the school on a different mission.

Date Created : 2/26/2019 2:15:10 AM : Story Author : Peter Atogewe Wedam/

It will be recalled that Starr FM, an Accra-based radio station on 11th February, 2019,published a news item on its website to the effect that, over 200 schoolchildren of the school in question, were without classrooms and were said to be exposed to bees in their school environment, surrounded by trees. Immediately the DCE learnt of this, he moved to the school the following day for an engagement with the authorities so as to have a personal sight of the situation. It is worthy to note here that, based on the everyday packed schedules of the DCE, he may not be privy to dire issues such as this unless and until, the Directorate of the Ghana Education Service reports to his office.

During that fact-finding visit to the school in the company of the Starr FM reporter, Hon. Ayinbisa disclosed that, appropriate action had been taken to construct a modern 9-unit school block for the school as a philanthropist, who is also the founder of the Boys and Girls Club of Ghana, Dr. Patricia Essilfie, had undertaken in 2016 to fund the construction. This resulted from the Doctor’s prior discussions with the DCE and community leaders during her visit to district around the time.

Hon. Ayinbisa also revealed that, close to 3,000 blocks had been mouldedso far for the commencement of the project while the Bongo District Assembly had drilled a borehole nearby,to facilitate the construction works.The DCE was however disappointed in some community leaders of the area and a committee put in place to oversee the project as in-fighting and petty disagreements caused a stalling of the project for a little over one year.

According to the DCE, he had since retrieved a vital land document covering the plot of land donated for the project which had been “hijacked” by a citizen of the area and that, he had also reached out to the philanthropist and briefed her about the progress made. As a result therefore, the project was to continue in the next few weeks to get the structure in place in order to relieve the poor school children in the area of their predicament.

Meanwhile, when the DCE presented the free school uniform to the students on Friday, February 22, 2019, he made yet another promise to them and this one was that, he would add the Goo-Atandaa Primary and KG in the next window of opportunity to increase the number schools under the Ghana School Feeding Programme [GSFP]. If the DCE’s “Promise & Deliver” attitude as he did in the case of the free school uniform is anything to go by, then these little school children will very soon, beam with smiles again as the GSFP will serve them a free quality meal on each school day which is also expected to encourage many more children to attend school.

Hon. Ayinbisa charged parents in the community to clean the uniform regularly for their wards and also patch the uniform for them immediately a tear happens. He asked parents and community members to assist the authorities of the school in giving the best education to their children as he expressed high hopes that, some of these kids will be the future’s doctors, teachers, presidents and other productive citizens that Ghana yearns for.

He announced that from September, 2019 basic education in Ghana, will now truncate at the Senior High School level. Meanwhile he also hinted that, the historic Free Senior High School Programme will be streamlined to benefit only students who attained aggregate 25 or better in order to ensure that, students earned their inclusion in this laudable education intervention that Government had prioritized. He noted that while this move would pushpotential beneficiaries take their studies seriously, it would also guarantee that only quality products were churned out of the country’s educational system.

The Regent of Goo, Naba Adaam Nyaaba on behalf of his subjects, thanked the DCE for the gesture and pledged that henceforth, the community would do everything to ensure that the school project runs to a smooth completion as the children could not wait any longer to have their lessons and other academic work under a befitting school structure.