GA C: Join the fight against HIV/Aids infection – MCE

The Ga Central Municipal Chief Executive, Mr. Emmanuel Lamptey has called for people in and around his Municipality to join the fight against the spread of the HIV/AIDS infection.

Date Created : 12/12/2019 4:05:31 AM : Story Author : Nana Kesse/

He said, there are reports of increasing cases of the infection with about thirty – one (31) new cases in 2019 alone in Ga Central Municipal.

He said research indicates that Forty- five (45) people have been registered to have been living with the virus in the Municipality, hence encouraging everybody to go for the HIV/AIDS test to know one's status.

Mr. Lamptey added that “I urge all to work to avoid casual sex, remain faithful to our partners or use condom if we cannot observe the first two principles of abstinence and faithfulness” he said.

The MCE underlined the need to up the HIV/AIDS education campaign in the municipality to help the people to do the right things to protect themselves from the disease.

He pointed out that we do not acquire the virus through sex only but other related acts that we may not know hence we need to be cautious.