DCE commends Gowrie Community for establishing education fund

Mr. Clement Akugre, District Chief Executive (DCE) of Bongo in the Upper East Region, has commended the Gowrie Community for establishing the "Gowrie Education Trust Fund Foundation" to assist brilliant but needy students.

Date Created : 1/9/2010 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : GNA

Launching the Fund at Gowrie on Friday, the DCE asked the people to contribute to the development of education since government alone could not provide resources for that sector.

Mr Akugre said that the Fund would help lessen the burden of Assembly that has been spending huge chunk of monies in sponsoring students and urged other communities in the district to emulate the example of the Gowrie community.

Mr. Akugre appealed to parents to invest in the education of the children and criticised people who refused to sell their cattle to generate funds to take care of their children.     

Mr. Clement Akasoba, Assembly Member for Gowrie Electoral Area, said that poverty coupled with limited funding opportunities affected the education of the youth of Gowrie and contributed to the underdevelopment of the area.

He said the Foundation would support the youth in the formal and informal sectors and give loans to women to undertake viable economic ventures to be able to finance the education of their children.

The Member of Parliament (MP) for the area, Mr. Albert, Abongo asked the people to support the Fund and reminded them that other communities in the country were complementing government's developmental efforts.

He said government would support communities that would initiate self-help projects.

Mr Abongo said he would use part of the MP Common Fund to support only students whose parents could not afford to meet the educational needs of their children.

The Board of Directors of the Fund were Naba Gobila Belinvoe, Dr Agana Nsiire, Dr. Evans Nsoh, Mr Robert Agansabga-Duko, Ms Veronica

Adimazoya, Ms Grace Abileo, Mr. Clement Akasoba, Mr. Thomson Apana and Ms Diana Aburiya all opinion leaders of Gowrie.