NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

SEKYERE AFRAM PLAINS: Third Ashanti Girls’ Education Durbar takes place at Kumawu

The Third Ashanti Regional Durbar to promote Girls’ Education  has been held at Kumawu, district capital of Sekyere Afram Plains, with a call on stakeholders to help make the school environment friendly to girls.

Date Created : 6/14/2011 6:40:20 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

The Third Ashanti Regional Durbar to promote Girls’ Education  has been held at Kumawu, district capital of Sekyere Afram Plains, with a call on stakeholders to help make the school environment friendly to girls.
Mr Samuel Asiamah, District Chief Executive, expressed the need for girls to be enrolled and  retain in school, adding let us “remind ourselves” that it was through education that women could  be empowered economically, politically and socially to be able to contribute meaningfully to the nation’s progress.
The durbar, which was held on the theme: “Improving girls’ performance – Tool for increasing women participation in national leadership,” brought together District Education Directors and Girl-Child Co-ordinators.
Mr Asiamah said if the country was to achieve rapid development then women should be supported  to become assertive and to be part of the political decision making process.
He said it was unacceptable that women, who constituted about 51 per cent of the population,  did not command enough numbers in Parliament, stressing that out of the 250 seats women occupy only 19.
“This situation must change,” he said, pointing that, women’ participation in decision making would not only be to their own advantage but aid the development and growth of democracy.
Mrs Agnes Apenyo, District Education Director, said the annual event was aimed at creating  public awareness about the need for parents, guardians and stakeholders to take the education of the girl-child seriously.
She said it was important to bridge the gap between male and female education through the creation of equal opportunities for training.