NEWS ARCHIVE 2006 - 09

EAST MAMPRUSI :NGO deplores conditions in ’witches villages’

The Co-ordinator of the Southern Sector Youth and Women’s
Empowerment Network (SOSYWEN), Miss Zenabu Sakibu has expressed concern about the deplorable conditions in ’witches villages’ in some communities of he Northern Region.

Date Created : 11/19/2009 8:44:05 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

The Co-ordinator of the Southern Sector Youth and Women’s
Empowerment Network (SOSYWEN), Miss Zenabu Sakibu has expressed concern about the deplorable conditions in ’witches villages’ in some communities of he Northern Region.

She has, therefore appealed to the people and traditional leaders of the area to examine the treatment meted out to those accused of witchcraft and desist from making accusations that cause the people to brand them as witches.

Speaking at a one-day workshop organised by SOSYWEN in Yendi, she said the organisation advocated the empowerment of women and youth and pointed out that SOSYWEN was interested in assisting communities in the Northern Region to address the welfare of women branded as witches at Ngani in the Yendi Municipality, Kukuo in the Nanumba North and Gambaga.

The workshop was attended by district assembly members, faith-based organisations, representatives of Muslim organisations and Christian Council of Ghana, traditional authorities, Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice, National Commission on Civic Education,Department of Social Welfare among others.

Miss Sakibu said a team from SOSYWEN would be back in those camps early next year to organise similar workshops on its findings.