NEWS ARCHIVE 2006 - 09

EAST MAMPRUSI : DCE frowns on unauthorised structures

The East Mamprusi District Chief Executive, Hon. Adam Imoro has taken issue with the haphazard manner in which structures are erected in the district.

Date Created : 10/12/2009 9:31:48 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

The East Mamprusi District Chief Executive, Hon. Adam Imoro has taken issue with the haphazard manner in which structures are erected in the district.

He said "I want us to look at the physical planning of our major towns. I do not think it is proper for us to continue the haphazard construction of buildings".

"We have to start from somewhere. Let us consider preparing layouts for the towns to ensure well planned development".

The DCE also expressed dissatisfaction at the residential accommodation of workers posted to the district saying already people do not like posting to the district and it is worse when they come and there is no accommodation for them.

"Many of the already existing staff quarters and bungalows have not seen any renovation since they were contructed and new ones are also not constructed", he added.

He therefore urged the assembly to make concious efforts to rehabilitate the old bungalows and quarters and construct new ones every year to accommodate workers.

To this end, proposals have been made for consideration by members of the assembly in this year’s budget for consideration.