ATEBUBU: Kokrompe Community SHS making progress

The New Kokrompe community senior high school which opened last September is steadily making progress.

Date Created : 11/25/2019 2:55:59 AM : Story Author : Daniel Oduro-Stewart/

With a student population of 250 comprising 130 males and 120 females and a teacher strength of 35, the school runs courses in General science, General arts, Agriculture, Business and Home economics.

A visit to the school on Wednesday morning saw a smart turn-out of both teachers and students at their weekly worship session.

The headmaster of the school, Mr. Joseph Amponsah-Fei who took the ISD round the state of the art facilities available to the school praised the Atebubu-Amantin municipal chief executive, Hon. Edward Owusu for his immense assistance to the school.

The E-block facility which was started by the last National Democratic Congress government was completed by the current administration.

It also comes with a headmaster’s bungalow and an 8 unit three storey teachers accommodation block, work on which are very far advanced.

                                                                                         Joseph Amponsah-Fei

The government has awarded a contract for the construction of two 300 bed capacity dormitories one each for males and females to help ease accommodation problems faced by students some of who come from beyond the region.

According to the headmaster, the single most important challenge facing the school is inadequate furniture for both students and staff especially when admissions to the school have not closed.