150 households in Dome West E/A benefits from GAMA projects

150 households in the Dome West Electoral Area (E/A) in the Ga East Municipality have benefited from the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA) project with the supply of pipe borne water to the households that could not afford the services wholly on their own.

Date Created : 9/25/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Theresa Workartey /

The Assemblyman for the area, Ebenezer Kwao indicated that Dome is densely populated so water situation in the Electoral Area was an issue for them. By so doing they collaborated with GAMA and they connected pipe borne water for three communities including Dome Ayigbe Town, Born Again, and Lumba.

The Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA) Sanitation and Water Project for Ghana is a World Bank grant of US$150 million to support the Government of Ghana’s efforts to increase access to improved sanitation and improved water supply in the GAMA, with emphasis on low-income communities and to strengthen management of environmental sanitation in the GAMA.

The Assemblyman disclosed that he has personally constructed a bridge at Dome Ayigbe Town to Kaizer Valley. He indicated that there is a big gutter around the afore mentioned communities which has not been desilted for the past twelve years and has no bridge to make it easier for people to cross over, and so people in the community have filled sacks with sand and placed it inside the gutter that people walk on to cross over to the other side.

Mr. Kwao further disclosed that whenever it rains no one is able to cross over and so he took it upon himself to construct a bridge worth GHS 15,000 to ease the struggles of the people who live in these communities.
He said that he also supports student who have gained admission to secondary Schools with provisional items and transport to their various schools, adding that he has enrolled most people to the National Health Insurance Scheme.

Mr. Ebenezer Kwao therefore called on his electorates to retain him as the assembly man come December 19, in order to continue with the good works he has been doing for his people.