PMI-WILL project shores up support for female Assembly aspirants in Atebubu-Amantin

Officials of the National Association of Local Authorities of Ghana N.A.L.A.G together with members of the District Working Group have engaged both the Atebubu and Amantin traditional councils in a bid to shore up support for female assembly aspirants in the forthcoming district level elections under the Partnership for Municipal Innovation-Women In Leadership PMI-WILL project.

Date Created : 8/30/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Daniel Oduro-Stewart/

The 5 year project which also runs in Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Benin and Zambia is being implemented by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities in partnership with NALAG with funding from Global Affairs Canada and has the Kwahu west municipal, Tema metropolitan, Saboba district and Nadom municipal also benefitting.

At each venue, the General Secretary of N.A.L.A.G Hon. Kokro Amankwaah underscored the need to get more women in leadership positions especially in the district assemblies since most decisions taken at that level affects them most.

Referring to statistics from the last Population and Housing Census he said although the female population outnumbers their male counterparts, they are disproportionately represented when it comes to leadership.

Mr. Amankwaah indicated that out of the 275 Members of Parliament only 40 are women while only 39 females can be counted among the 261 district, municipal and metropolitan chief executives currently serving in the country.

He said 2 out of 16 Regional Coordinating Directors are women, 39 out of 261 district Coordinating Directors are females while only 245 out 6038 elected assembly members countrywide are females.

The N.A.L.A.G General Secretary said the declining female population at the various assembles from 10.1% in 2006 to 3.8% in the last elections in 2019, is indicative of the impediments in the way of women assembly aspirants and asked the traditional authorities to do everything within their means to get more women elected to the assembly.

The Atebubu-Amantin municipal chief executive Hon. Edward Owusu said women representation at the assemblies has become even more important because it now constitutes about 10% of the District Performance Assessment Tool D.P.A.T under which the assemblies receive funds for development projects.

The two traditional authorities led by Nana Kwabena Kyere III acting president of the Atebubu traditional council and Osabarima Appau Bonsie Bonsu II welcomed the initiative and pledged their support towards the realization of its objectives.

Present were the National Project Coordinator Mr. Sheriff Amarh, Mrs. Esi Benewaah, Gender Officer and Mr. Emmanuel Abbey Musah Programme Officer for PMI-WILL.