Biakoye DCE storms Oyram Electoral Area

History was made yesterday by the Biakoye District Chief Executive (DCE), Millicent Kabuki Carboo as the first DCE to have visited the Oyran Electoral Area made up of Odei, Brewaniase and Akaniem. The old towns as they are popularly known are several kilometers off Tapa Abotoase. The settlements are accessed by the Volta Lake or through farm lands.

Date Created : 4/5/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Theresa Workartey /

The ever-ready-to-serve DCE and her team from the District Assembly, hopped on Motorbikes to Odei Old Town as it became impossible to access the area by motor cars.

At Odei, the entourage was met with a rousing welcome. During the welcome address by the Assemblyman for the area Hon. Winfred Kumador, he said, the headmen and the people of Oyran will continue to be grateful to the DCE for providing them with solar power, school feeding program and also, honouring her word to visit them.

Like the proverbial Oliver Twist said, Mr. Kumador asked for more; he put in request for job opportunities, more solar power, teachers, completion of a classroom block, flushing out of herds of cattle among others.

Madam Millicent Kabuki Carboo during her engagement with them, urged parents of the area to ensure that they enroll their wards in school especially the females and encouraged them to get back to school should they get pregnant along the line as GES has put in place measures for that.

She told them that teenage mothers should take advantage of the BACK-TO-SCHOOL policy put in place for them including FCUBE and FREE SHS. As she always does anytime she met the youth, Hon. Kiki advised them to engage in economic activities that empowers and dignifies their lives.

In the area of development, the DCE touched on IGF through the paying of tolls, revenue, Property Rates, Business Operating Permits etc and the fact that Central Government cannot do it all.
On premix fuel scarcity, she mentioned that the dry season of their precious premix fuel for fishing is also been worked on.

The DCE also tasked women to embrace and participate in the Local Governance System. According to her, there is only one female amongst the 33 Assembly members which isn't good enough.