Anfoega Catholic Hospital celebrates 60th Anniversary

The Anfoega catholic Hospital, the first hospital to be built in the then Keta- Ho diocese, now under the North Dayi district in the Volta Region celebrates its 60th anniversary on the 9th of November, 2019.

Date Created : 2/26/2020 3:31:25 AM : Story Author : Robert Attoh/

The hospital was built in 1959 by the Roman Catholic mission with support from indigenes of the Anfoega community with the aim of meeting the health needs of the people of Anfoega community and its environs. It is a member of the Christ Association (CHAG).

Mr. William Ladzaka, administrator of the hospital, in his speech said the milestone achievement of the facility could not be celebrated without given reverence to some individuals notably the late Fiaga of the Anfoega traditional area, Togbe Tepre Hodo (3¬) who championed the cause of seeing to the establishment of the hospital to provide health service to the people.

He also heaped praises on some four individuals who gave up their homes for the commencement of the healthcare provision in the early50s before the hospital was built and some reverend sister from the Netherlands who also came to assist in the provision of health care to the people.

Mr. Ladzaka said the hospital had a catchment area of about 1,600 kilometers square and served about 90,000 people with a staff strength of 212, comprising 139 on the government payroll and 73 paid through the internally generated fund of the hospital
He said, the hospital provides specialty services like gynecology and surgical services but faced the challenges of inadequate staff accommodation and insufficient critical staff.

In a speech read on behalf, Mr. Kweku Agyeman Manu, Minister for Health commended the management and staff of the hospital for displaying professionalism in ensuring quality health care for the people within and beyond the District despite the challenges.

He said the ministry was making efforts to ensure that the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3, which sought to ensure healthy lives and promote well—being for all and at all ages was achieved by 2030.

Mr. Manu said the ministry had a keen interest in matters of public concern and advised that attention be paid to preventive health while efforts were being made to cater for the curatives in the system

He said the Anfoega Catholic Hospital had benefited from support with medical equipment from the Equipment Replace Policy imitated by the Government in 2013.

The DCE in his speech stated that his administration will not compete with the hospital but rather, will channel all resources within his power to upgrade the Hospital.

The DCE had earlier donated some cash and promised to buy some hospital equipment
to augment the existing ones.