Boafo Transport Union to stage demonstrations to back demands

Drivers constituting the national caucus of the Boafo Transport Union (BoTU) have threatened to embark on series of intense demonstrations to press home their demands until they are drastically mitigated if not totally resolved.

Date Created : 5/10/2018 3:33:43 AM : Story Author : Pius Agyemang/

Chief Driver, Francis Addae, maintains that the demonstrations which will be tagged as unprecedented, judging from its widespread impact and persistent nature, will seek to pressurize the government and other bigwigs in the transport industry to intercede, not only on their behalf, but also on behalf of virtually all commercial drivers nationwide in diverse ways.

This came to light on May 6, this year, during a maiden executive crunch meeting held within the Kumasi residence of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Boafo Industries, Dr Osei Kwaku Opoku, at Asennua, near Mampongten in the Kwabere East Municipality of the Ashanti Region.

At the meeting, the executive members of BoTU, subsidiary of Boafo Industries, hitherto Boafo Herbal Centre, expressed grave concern about the way drivers in the country were neglected and mistreated without anyone to seek redress from.

The Chief Driver and Chairman of the drivers caucus, Mr Addae, touched on some of their pressing grievances, as in the Police continuous harassment, dilapidated roads, frequent fuel hikes, amongst others.

They claimed that drivers were the most populous and secured workforce in the country, yet they remained the most neglected and oppressed forces.

The drivers could not fathom the reason for which they were being pursued by the police; extorting them from their meagre resources.

They further argued on the premise that they contributed immensely to Ghana's revenue mobilization base in road toll bill footing, driver licenses and road worthy but still compelled to ply on deplorable roads and such likes.

A section of the drivers lamented on the assertion that Ghanaian drivers suffered tremendously in the hands of successive New Patriotic Party Governments, and so pleaded with Nana Akufo Addo's executive arm of Government to scrutinize the perception, prove drivers wrong by reversing the trend.

The drivers’ caucus used the august occasion to brainstorm on the repercussions associated with such unwholesome practices as speeding, overtaking, and drunk driving, with its current attendant tramadol intake.

The CEO of Boafo Industries, Mr. Osei Opoku, advised the drivers and their colleagues to shun all life threatening acts contrary to the principles and culture of driving.

He tasked them to uphold the right principles, rules and regulations, code of conduct and ethical implications of driving.

The CEO cautioned his workers not to attempt to evade tax in any way but to strive to honour their honour their obligations as responsible citizens, be law abiding, and be their brothers' keepers for the betterment of their livelihood and for the total development of the nation at large.