KWABRE E: Mamponteng health centre now polyclinic

The Mamponteng health centre in the Kwabre East Municipality has currently been elevated to the status of a Polyclinic to help provide both general and specialist treatments to outpatients.

Date Created : 12/5/2018 3:33:34 AM : Story Author : Theresa Workartey/

This was made known when Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of the area, Nana Osei Asibey Bonsu yesterday commissioned and handed over the newly constructed male and female wards for the facility.

The MCE in his address noted that government has also provided the facility with 30 beds, bedside locker and other accessories to help facilitate and ensure the delivery of quality healthcare in the area.

He added that the new building has a theater, nurses’ room, washroom and pharmacy.

He said the government will help provide the appropriate technical and also assist in monitoring the progress of implementation of health programmes as part of measures of improving healthcare delivery in the country.

He said the government has set quality and accessible healthcare as one of its priorities and will do everything possible to achieve this.