SAWLA: Assembly holds second ordinary meeting

Mr. Lawal Tamimu said it is a duty placed on him as chief executive by the Local Government Act, 2016 Act936 which enjoins him to present a report of the state of affairs of the district at least three times in a year.

Date Created : 12/3/2019 3:51:58 AM : Story Author : Takora Iddrisu Benjamin/

Mr. Tamimu said this at the second ordinary but special meeting of the Assembly as the Assembly marks the last of sitting leading to a dissolution, whiles urging honorable members to consider approving the Assemblys budget.

The DCE extended his appreciation to all members for the continuous support and cooperation accorded him in the smooth running of the District. He prayed that as some of them are exiting the stage, same support and cooperation will be coming from those that will continue in the next Assembly and wished those seeking reelection the best of luck.

Mr. Tamimu presented to the house for deliberation the state of the District. He announced that the security situation over the last quarter in the District has been relatively calm albeit a few challenges in various communities, these he said have been professionally handled by the security agencies which has not escalated out of proportion.

Among these the DCE mentioned the unfortunate armed robbery incident on the Sawla-Tuna road, he added that even in the midst of their challenges the police were able to rise to the challenge and responded swiftly and appropriately by quelling the attack on innocent travelers, these he said led to the arrest of two persons who are currently facing the law.

He commended the security operatives especially the police for the yeoman’s job in keeping the place safe and secure and for safeguarding lives and property.

Touching on water and sanitation, hon. Lawal reported that giant strides were made in the provision of water for the citizens, especially the Tuna small Town Water system has been completed and handed over to the community. Water and sanitation [WSMT] members have been trained and the management Board has also been constituted. He appealed that both the technical staff and Management Board should endeavor to handle the facility well to guarantee a long life span and the purpose for which it was constructed.

The DCE extended the Assembly’sappreciation to the members .the chiefs and indeed all the people of Tuna for their support for the project. He was optimistic that with the show of support exhibited by the good people of Tuna, the sustainability of the project is guaranteed. The DCE was full of praise to the Global Communities through their sponsors the USAID who have made this wonderful project possible.

Hon. Lawal reported that the USAID through Global Communities have extended their project period and have graciously accepted a proposal for another Small Town Water facility at Kalba. He used the opportunity to appeal to the good people of Kalba to give their maximum support to the project just like Tuna.

Honorable Tamimu report also that ten[10] boreholes sponsored by the Japan Embassy have been completed and handed over to the various beneficiary communities for use and commended the Japan Embassy for the intervention and announced that Rev ..Dr .Sansan Konjon and the Frontier Mission Network have also drilled a number of boreholes that are serving various communities.

Lawal Tamimu said the District Assembly has also committed party of its share of the DDF to drill about ten [10] boreholes whiles making efforts to complete ten [10] other boreholes under a Chinese grant which could not be completed due to a lapse in the project cycle.

The DCE noted that the sanitation has become a very big challenge especially, in the big towns like Sawla, Tuna, Gindabo and Kalba. He also appeals to the chiefs and Hon. Members in those communities to support the Assembly to overcome this challenge, saying if these are not done it has a tendency of eroding the gains made in achieving the target of declaring open defecation free[ODF] by close of the year. He expressed gratitude to Global Communities for the support.

He, however, admit that there are still some challenges since a number of communities are yet to be declared ODF, and calls for a renewed strategy among the various stakeholders especially Assembly Members to help the Environmental Health Team to trigger the communities.

Speaking on Education, the Hon. DCE noted the District is bedeviled with a host of challenges ranging from lack of adequate School infrastructure to the low people to Teacher ratio which cumulatively goes a long way to affect the performance of the pupils at the BECE as well as SSCE levels. He was quick to add it is refreshing the Assembly is putting in place measures to address these challenges.