Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District holds First Ordinary Session

The District Chief Executive for Sawla-Tuna-Kalba, Lonsina Barikisu has called on staff of the Assembly to give off their best to push the development of the district forward.

Date Created : 7/19/2022 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Takora Iddrisu Benjamin/

According to her there is no service higher than service to once own people, adding that by doing so one’s reward is not only in heaven but “your names will also continue to remain in the success story of this District".

The DCE said this at the first ordinary meeting of the Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District Assembly held on Monday July 4th, 2022 at the District Assembly Conference Hall. Updating the members of the Assembly, the DCE Madam Barikisu dwelled on major key areas of the Assembly including security, finances of the Assembly, common fund, development projects, health, education, agriculture and rural electrification.

She said security issues are paramount in every human activity and there cannot be development without peace and security.She mentioned two armed robbery cases in June, specifically 18th and 28th June, 2022, which occurred between Gindabo and Kpongiri where robbers shot into a commercial vehicle with one man sustaining injury and was rushed to the Tuna clinic and later referred to the Wa Regional hospital where she is yet to receive briefing from the police.

The second robbery occurred on June 29th, 2022 and another attempt at Gindabo. Despite these, the security situation according to the DCE remains peaceful by the vigilance of the citizens, traditional authorities and DISEC as well as the general improvement in policing in the district.

On revenue mobilization, she said due to certain challenges the Assembly was only able to raise Ghc 75,170.80 out of a budgeted target of Ghc 150,201.00 by the end of second quarter of June 30th, 2022. The money, however, was used in procuring stationery, fuel for official vehicles among others.

According to the DCE an amount of Ghc 520,688.00 was received for passing 2021 DPAT fund, and the money was used to provide dual desks, electricity poles, completion of an abandoned decentralised development office block annex, construction of a 3-unit classroom block at Gindabo and completed also an abandoned meat shop in Sawla market.

The DCE also announced an amount of Ghc 1,134,572.00 has been received for successfully passing the 2021 DPAT V assessment.She said an amount will be used for the construction of the following projects as follows:

* 1No. 5-unit theatre, 3-admission wards and laboratory at Gindabo.
* 1No. 2-unit bedroom doctors bungalow with furnishing at Gindabo.
* 1 No. 3-unit classroom block with furnishing at Konkrompe.

On the status of development projects, the DCE briefed members on the current status of all development projects in the district such as the provision and supply of dual desks for Sawla Senior High School and GES, completed a rehabilitated and put to use an abandoned Decentralised department office block for the Assembly annex among others.

The district health directorate continued its surveillance services, and the Assembly is ready and prepared to support, providing quality health services to the people, particularly those in the hard to reach villages and remote communities. She also informed members that their outreach services were also supported by the Assembly with 2 motor bikes. Adding, the government remains committed to increase access as well as improve upon quality education throughout the country.

The DCE recounted that apart from the support to the education directorate to perform its normal activities, the Assembly adequately supported it to successfully organise this year's independence anniversary celebrations and have received 200 dual desks to be distributed to schools.

The directorate, according to the DCE, was financially supported on two occasions to participate in sporting activities at Damongo. And she added that "I have been able to lobby for the recruitment of 28 professional teachers whose appointment letters I will be collecting from Accra immediately after this meeting. Additionally, I have secured scholarships for 30 tertiary students in tertiary institutions.”

The agric sector, several activities including 10,000 cashew seedlings and nurseries at Sogoriyiri and Otaayyiri, training of farmers at Nakpala and Grunyiri for cashew seedlings and establishment of cashew farms in Nakpala and Grunyiri among others.