Ketu South marks “My first day at school”

The Municipal Chief Executive for Ketu South, Mr. Edem Elliot Agbenorwu and some officials from the Municipal Educational Directorate have toured some schools in the Municipality as part of "My First Day at School" activity.

Date Created : 9/25/2018 5:49:43 AM : Story Author : Susana Danso /

The MCE with his team visited Hedzranawo A.M.E Zion Primary, Kekeli School, Low-Cost basic school and Sefenukope Basic School to welcome and give encouragement to the newly admitted pupils at the basic schools particularly kindergarten and primary one pupil and also refresh them.

He distributed exercise books, cups, biscuits and more to the pupil and took time to interact with pupil in kindergarten 1,Primary 1 as well as students in JHS 1 and advised them to consider education as the only way to develop their personalities and the nation at large and also entreated them to be punctual and regular to school.

He added that the President is committed to develop the individual through education.

Mr. Agbenorwu also visited some caterers in their kitchen to see for himself the food given to the children under the school feeding program.