Ga South PM touts achievements of Assembly

The Presiding Member for the Ga South Municipal Assembly, Abdul Wahab Mohammed said he is proud of the achievements of the Assembly in terms of developmental interventions in the municipality though a young municipality.

Date Created : 11/10/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author :

In an interview with Ghanadistricts,com, the third term Presiding Member stated unequivocally that, through his tenure the Assembly has been able to achieved a lot of developmental projects such as the beautiful edifice of the office complex, an information center and a court built at Amanfrom, police post at Denchira, a Divisional Police Unit Tuba, Mother and Child Unit at Obom, 6 units Classroom block at Ashalaja, through the Coastal Development Authority (CODA) constructed over 30 mechanized boreholes within Domeabra Obom Constituency, health centers amongst others.

He said he has acquitted himself well since assuming his role as the Presiding Member and also fought for the wellbeing of the Assembly Members by the support of the Municipal Chief Executive Mr. Joseph Nyarni.

He underscored that Ga South Municipal Assembly has also done well in improving their revenue mobilization resulting in the Assembly being adjudged the best in revenue mobilization sometime in 2019.

Throwing more light on the upcoming District Assembly Election to be held on 19 December 2023 across the country, he stated that he wishes all aspirants well, hoping to see them come back as one family to work peacefully for the growth of the Assembly.

On his political future plans, Mr. Abdul Wahab Mohammed said he aspires for greater heights on the political ladder, thus he has filed to contest as the parliamentary candidate of the New Patriotic Party at Domeabra Obom Constituency.