6 communities in Sekyere Afram Plains receive solar lights

Six communities in the Sekyere Afram Plains district in the Ashanti Region have benefited from solar light to improve socio-economic activities and curb rural urban migration.

Date Created : 7/9/2018 8:01:38 AM : Story Author : Theresa Workartey /

The District Chief executive of the area, Joseph Owusu indicated that the solar light was initiated to help brighten the communities and every households in order to enhance security and reduce incidents of crime and also to put a stop to the rural-urban migration.

He said that most households in the district are not on the national grid therefore the assembly took the initiative to provide each household in the 6 communities with solar panel which will be able to provide electricity and power household items such as television, fridge, light, fan among others.

The DCE said the communities that benefited includes; Fumsua, Nyameama No2, Mempakeser, Nyamebekyere, Bofuo and Nso Akura.