DCE calls on teachers to help upgrade Education in Talensi-Nabdam District

Talensi-Nabdam District in the Upper East Region, have been asked to step up efforts to address the falling standard of education in the area.

Date Created : 5/18/2011 12:00:00 AM : Story Author :

Mrs Vivian Anafo, District Chief Executive (DCE), made the appeal during a quiz competition, organized by the District Directorate of National Service Secretariat for eight selected Junior High Schools (JHSs) in the area.

The District Director of the National Service Secretariat, Mr Michael Zuri, said the exercise was meant to inculcate the culture of reading in children to improve the standard of education.

"Due to the advent of technologies such as television and the internet, many school children do not read as they used to do and this has impacted negatively on the academic performance of schools".
Mr Zuri attributed the falling standard of education in the area to the mass exodus of school children to the cities, especially during holidays to do menial jobs.

He said: "Withdrawal of girls from school and teenage pregnancy arte affecting education in the area and parents need to work hard and reverse the trend".

Mr Ben Macboka, an official of the Ghana Education Service (GES), called on other organizations to emulate the effort of the National Service Secretariat, to help improve education, saying GES alone could not tackle the numerous challenges confronting education.

Saint Joseph JHS emerged first with 37 points and Wobil JHS was second with 34 points, Baare JHS had 28 points to take the third place and Gbeogo, Tongo and Winkongo JHSs scoring 24 points each to emerge the fourth.

Yemeriga JHS scored 20 points, to take the fifth position, Shia JHS had 19 points to take the sixth place.

The overall best school received a set of desktop computer, ten exercise books, four pens and Mathematical sets
Other winners also received exercise books, Mathematical sets and pens and Afrikids Ghana, a child-oriented non-governmental organisation donated 30 exercise books to be awarded0 to the winners.