SAWLA T K: Assembly intensifies campaign on referendum

The Sawla-Tuna- Kalba District Assembly has intensified campaign to sentisize the populace on the upcoming referendum slated for the 17th of December 2019.

Date Created : 11/15/2019 8:20:07 AM : Story Author : Takora Iddrisu Benjamin/

The referendum is to ensure amendment of Act 55 (3) of the 1992 Constitution which states that "Subject to the provisions of this article, a political party is free to participate in shaping the political will of the people, to disseminate information on political ideas, social and economic programmes of a national character, and sponsor candidates for election to any public office other than to district assemblies or lower sectional divisions", and Act 243 (1) which also states that, "There shall be a District Chief for every district who shall be appointed by the President with the prior approval of not less than two-thirds majority of the Assembly present and voting at the meeting" to be amended to pave way for political parties to present candidates to contest on their behalf to be elected as metropolitan, municipal or district chief executives at the various assemblies.

To this end, the Information Services Department of the Assembly is visiting various communities to educate the people.

The team is visiting various places of worship, schools, and other public places in order to reach out to a lot of people.

Some of the communities visited included Bole, Kilampobile, Lampoga,Wawabike1&2, Gbongbon, Seripe, Sakpa, Latiegbee, Wakawaka, Bekoiyiri, Signyekura, Maluewe, Telikura, Bienyukuon, Di-Eun, Kakadu, Simpoayiri, Tinga, Dikpa, Kwame-Kwesi (Kamankpesi), Bombomte, Nuoyiri, Bandakonta Tasilima, Carpenter, Juboi, Bamboi.

The rest are Damongo, Seiyiri, Grupe, Kabampe, Kanato, Laribanga, Nabori, Yipala, Damongo, Solepe, Boyanto, Achibunyor, Jonokponto, Mempeasem, Kunkunde, Kwamekura, Tailaorpe, Busunu, Lurto, Tachali, Kupotor, Darisallam, Daboya, Lingbinsi.

Sawla, Blema, Nakwabi, Gbongboduori, Dani-Ouri, Tuna, Nahari, Kunfusi, Kalba, Gindabo, Kulmasa, Nyorli, Goyiri, Nasoyiri, Jentilpe, Nyange, Digzie, Grunyiri, Nakpala, Korle, Dagbigu, Gbiniyiri, Damiyiri, Joirkoiyiri, among others.

Interesting feedback on election of mmdces and the constitutional amendments from the public.

Meanwhile some have raised concerns about what becomes the role of chiefs in our body politics in relation to partisan politics when we are told constitutionally they shouldn't engage in active politics and in time past, they could be part of the local government system; that when MMDCEs are elected, and Ministers are appointed, who is under who?; that election of Assembly members on partisan bases will make assembly elections at the local levels expensive like what is currently happening at the parliamentary level.

Also the system will deprive the minority indigenes of the opportunity to win elections in some areas simply because of their numbers and give way for majority settlers to be elected which can create conflicts among the people.

*That the system will also favor the wealthy people in society and deprive the poor potential and responsible people.

Some said the system of electing assembly members is good but they have a problem with the timing and suggested sensitization could have been done extensively before this time for the masses to understand it properly before implementation.

Some also believe it can create conflict between an assembly with majority members of the Assembly and minority MMDCES in office

Others believed the election of assembly members will allow for competition among the political parties and will like to gain some credibility for the party she/he belongs by working hard for the Assembly's developed.