SAWLA: Savanna Tailors and Dressmakers Association meet

The Sawla Zone of the Ghana National Tailors and Dressmakers Association of the Savanna Region have organized a general meeting of all Tailors in Sawla, Saturday 23rd November 2019 at Alhassan Issahaku Enterprise Shop.

Date Created : 12/3/2019 4:28:53 AM : Story Author : Takora Iddrisu Benjamin/

The meeting was held to bring members and nonmembers of the Association under one umbrella working together for a common goal towards the creation of a region for the newly created Savanna region.

Welcoming members to the meeting the Chairman Mr Saaka Alhassan was happy that members have attended the meetings in their numbers and prayed that all members will have a fruitful deliberation. He hoped that members will get the understanding in fighting for a common goal that will bring all members together and urged all nonmembers to join the Association to enable them enjoy the unity that they are striving for.

Mr Saaka said as tailors theirs is to design, patch and make mankind descent before the public, the president and all his ministers cannot work if they are not nicely clothed, the doctor, teacher or the civil servants cannot go to work without wearing a dress, even the hairdressers can dress their hair beautifully, but if they don't wear a dress they can't go out to work, he added.

He urged all to embrace the job as important to any other job, saying the doctors, nurses, lawyer, farmer and even the engineers, the imams, the pastors, and bishops are all clothed by the handy works of a tailor and that is why we have the slogan " GNTDA' Clothing Africa and beyond" so in a world without a tailor what will it be, he added

Chairman Alhassan charged all tailors in the Savanna region to see themselves as one people devoid of ethnic city and work together for emulation for others.

All the participants including Master Alhassan Issahaku the organizer, Master Daudu, Chairman vice-chairman etc all advised the membership to unite under one umbrella working together for the creation of the Savanna region.

All participants who attended the meeting embraced the idea and thanked the organizers for organizing such an important meeting and pledged to all come together to fight the common goal as an inspiration for others to emulate.

The parliamentary candidate for the new Patriot Party, Seidu Nuhu Banasco who came to the shop to collect his clothings took advantage of the crowd to introduce himself to the gathering while pledging to work with the leadership of the Association to bring development to its membership. As someone working with the white as an NGO he Will work hard to institute the best award scheme for tailors who emerged best in their exams during their graduation (Passing out) days so as to inspire all to learn hard to reduce the unemployment rate in the district/ constituency. He made a donation to the Association

Honorable Yakubu Amoro an aspiring Assemblyman for the Kawuribi electoral area also had opportunity to introduce himself and donated two crates of assorted drinks to the members

Participants who attended the meeting came from Nasoyiri, Blema, Nakwaby, Gbongbondori, Konkrompe, Nakpaka, Gbiniyiri, Kawie, Sanyeri and Sawla.