Sissala East District organises best teacher awards

Mr Bayuoni Kparibaga Iddris, a 34-year-old teacher at Kwapun Primary School in the Sissala West District of the Upper West Region, has been adjudged the 2013 District Best Teacher of the district.

Date Created : 6/8/2014 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : GNA

Described in his citation as a dedicated, committed, innovative, hard working, a disciplinarian and a community peace maker, Mr Kparibaga took home a desk top computer, a double decker freezer and a gas cylinder.

Mallam Moro Karimu, of Falahia Primary and Sakandeh Salifu Haadi, of Tasor/Kulfuo Primary were honored with a double decker freezer each for winning the dedication and excellence to duty award category.

Abubakari Aminata, Gwosi Upper KG, Adama Tapulia Ajara and Abriadiba Paul both teachers at the Dolibizon Primary took away a double decker freezer, a set of plastic chairs and tables for winning the volunteerism and commitment to rural education category.

Best Science and Maths Teacher went to Kandire Charles, Sakai Junior High School (JHS) and Anaba A. Philimon, Kanton Senior High School (SHS). They took away a gas stove each as their prize.

Afuo Ibrahim, formerly of Egala JHS and currently a Science student in Nandom SHS and Asante Dapilee Hannah formerly of TUTCO Demonstration and currently a science student at Kanton SHS took away Akiola Mathematics, English and Science Series, 10 exercise books, one box of pens, mathematical set, calculator, pencil and an eraser each for emerging Best Basic Education Certificate Examination candidates for 2013 with an aggregate score of 11 and 14.

Balebe Aapato Philip who completed Kanton SHS with aggregate eight and Bapun Iddi Jamia with aggregate nine  were honoured with a cash of GH¢200.00 each for emerging best West Africa Secondary School Certificate Examination

Aapato is currently pursuing Business Administration at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology while Jamia is not in school for lack of funds.

Mr Johnson Juasuglo Saborh, Former Headmaster of Kanton SHS, Sister Leotina, St Claires Vocational Institute were given special awards together with Plan Ghana International and ActionAid Ghana.

Campaign for Female Education and Action for Sustainable Development were also among non-governmental organisations that received the special award.

Madam Alijata Sulemana, Member of Parliament (MP) for Sissala East presented one bag, a pair of canvas, 10 exercise books and a mathematical set each to 90 students in the district.

She also gave five sewing machines, two set of bowls, three computers, one welding machine and solar lamps to some individuals and institutions.

The awards which for the past 10 years could not be organised saw 40 teachers and one non teaching staff honoured for distinguishing themselves in their lines of duty.

Madam Alijata said the way out of poverty and social deprivation is through education and hence government's determination to invest a chunk of its resources in the education sector to improve on communities access to quality education.

She noted that apart from building classroom infrastructure, government had also initiated key policies such as the distribution of free school uniform, exercise books, laptop computers to individuals and institutions to facilitate teaching and learning in basic schools.

The MP announced that as part of government's plan to improve on quality education delivery, all teachers would be given laptop computers to enable them do research and render quality services.

She said teachers in the past used to be told what to teach and how to teach it but that today's world of education, the teacher is a students counsellor and is expected to tune to how each individual student learns and try to challenge and inspire them.

Madam Alijata said in spite of this crucial role, some teachers still indulge in some practices such as alcoholism, absenteeism and child abuse, which according to her are inimical to their development.

Mr George Guri, District Director of Education said the area has 51 kindergartens, 53 primary schools, 44 JHSs, five private schools, two SHSs and a vocational institute.

By way of human resource, the district has a total of 571 basic school teachers, 109 non-teaching staff, and 117 teachers at the SHS level totalling 688 out of which 129 are untrained.

He said the overall performance of 41 per cent by West African Examination Council rating is not a score to be satisfied with and that the directorate has put in place a number of measures to improve on the situation this year.

Mr Guri mentioned poor parental support to children in school, girl child elopement and teenage pregnancy, lost of contact hours among others as some of the challenges affecting quality education delivery in the district.