Asutifi North holds town hall meeting on Ahonidie Mpontuo Initiative

A town hall meeting on the Asutifi North Ahonidie Mpontuo (ANAM) initiative has taken place with the purpose to raise awareness on the WASH masterplan and its rational, provide updates on the progress of implementation of the WASH masterplan and mobilize support for the masterplan implementation.

Date Created : 12/20/2019 2:49:31 AM : Story Author : Mavis Ofosuah Asante/

District Coordinating Director, Mr. Samuel Badu Baiden said the WASH initiative is purposely for hygiene or sanitation and safe water. By achieving this, they have to engage their stakeholders. The WASH initiative takes feedback and complaints from their stakeholders, to see whether they are making any progress or loss, whether they are reaching their goals and also get to know whether others are learning from the WASH initiative.

Mr. Anthony Adjei Mensah, DCE of Asutifi North gave an overview of the WASH masterplan; their achievements so far and what they are about to do. Most of the masterplan are been implemented in 2019, he added. The ANAM WASH initiative has repaired 34 boreholes and they need more to repair, construction of 27 new boreholes in various communities and construction of 9 mechanized boreholes in towns and healthcare facilities.

The initiative has provided sanitation services in ten (10) communities and schools. There is a “pay as you fetch”, people in the communities pay something as they fetch the water and that money is used for maintenance of the boreholes when they are faulty.

Also, training is giving to those who take care of the boreholes. Thirty (30) water kiosks are given to them with seed capital to start petty trading and to prevent them from the scorching sun whiles they take care of the water.

The Asutifi North District Assembly and its partner are Conrad N. Hitton Foundation-IRC Gh., Safe Water Network, Netcentric Campaigns, Centre for Disease Control & Prevention, Aquaya Institute and World Vision International Ghana.

Mr. Adjei Mensah said they seek forward for more partners especially those who will help in the sanitation (rubbish) since most of their partners deal with water. “Anyone who builds a house must do well to add toilet facility for use”, he added.

The Asutifi North District Assembly and its partners are implementing a 13-years initiative (the Asutifi North Ahonidie Mpontuo -ANAM) which seeks to promote universal access to safe water, basic sanitation and hygiene services to about 84,000 people by the year 2030.

The implementation of the plan commenced in April 2018 following the official launch in March 2018.

There was an open forum for the stakeholders to ask questions about the ANAM WASH initiative since its implementation.

The meeting was attended by traditional councils, opinion leaders in various towns and communities, heads of department, Security agencies and many others.