DCE joins APCE Demonstration Basic B School on Speech and Price Giving Day

The District Chief Executive for Asante Akim North District, Francis Oti Boateng has attended the 1st Speech and Price giving day celebration of the APCE Demonstration Basic B School held on March 28, 2018.

Date Created : 4/5/2018 1:52:37 AM : Story Author :

The DCE delivering the Key note address at the occasion told the people that it is the NPP Government's agenda to make quality education the backbone of a self-reliance nation by introducing the free SHS policy.

Enhancing quality education through the use of ICT” as the theme for the program, The said the use of ICT and its impact has become so imperative that no meaningful development could take place without this simple but complex tool.

He said education in ICT will offer them the needed skills to contribute their quota to the development of Ghana and the District, and urged the students to take education in ICT with the seriousness it deserves.

The Ho. DCE used the opportunity and informed the gathering of some of central government’s projects and some of the happenings in the district.

The provision of adequate infrastructural development, especially in the education sector.

The District Assembly has in January 2018 awarded a contract for the construction of 3-unit classroom block at Behwe to create access for students who after completing Primary school at Behwe either have to walk to nearby towns or don't bother to continue at all to have junior high school education.

Mr. Boateng said the District Assembly has positioned itself very well to benefit from the government's flagship programme, dubbed, 1-District 1-Factory. There are three proposals from Food Hub Company Ltd, PEBSAS TURBO Company Ltd and NATPALET Company Ltd for the establishment of factories which have been submitted to the National Coordinator for 1-District 1-Factory and one of the proposals (Food Hub Company Ltd) has been approved for implementation in 2018 for the production of cassava starch.

He also urged the youth to take advantage of the planting for food and jobs programme which will contribute to the food basket of the nation and also bring improvement to their well-being.

He also disclosed the start of registration of individuals who are interested in cashew farming of which the Agriculture Department has been charged to nurse the seedlings and distribute to interested farmers. Thus encouraging parents to take advantage and enter into cashew farming since the Assembly hope to achieve 20000 acres of cashew in the next two years.

The DCE also applauded the GES most especially the District Director of Education for the outstanding performance of the 2017 BECE Candidates which moved from 13th position to 7th position in the region.

He said he is very optimistic that the 2018 candidates will do better than what their predecessor did in their upcoming examination and congratulated APCE Demo. Basic C for been the best performing school in the 2017 BECE in the district.