DCE conducts "My first day at school”

The Asante Akim North Directorate of the Ghana Education Service today conducted "My first day at school” program and a team of eight visited the new entrants (particularly kindergarten and Primary one pupils) in the schools within the District.

Date Created : 9/18/2018 3:57:21 AM : Story Author : Rosemary Obeng Yeboah/

The District Chief Executive, Mr. Francis Oti Boateng, who was the head of the program had the occasion to visit Ananekrom D/A Basic School, Serebourso D/A Basic School and Nhyiaeso D/A Basic School.

Mr. Otu Boateng was accompanied by the District Director of Education, Mr. Ernest Kwadwo Afari, Mr. Lawrence Dinko and Mrs. Victoria.

A good number of parents also accompanied their wards to the schools. The pupils were presented with packs of candies, biscuits, fruit drinks and my first copy books.

Parents had the opportunity and appealed to the DCE for additional classrooms for their wards of which the DCE also promised to factor it in his budget to get a new 6 classroom block for them.

The DCE advised parents to motivate their wards to stay in school and take their learning seriously so as to be responsible citizens in future.

The program “my first day at school” is a government motivation initiative for new entrants to KG and P1. Though, it is usually conducted on the first day of every academic year, but this year saw a postponement of the program from 11th September to 17th September, 2018.