New Juaben confirms Madam Comfort Asante as MCE

The New Juaben Municipal Assembly members have held another meeting to confirm the president’s nominee as the Municipal Chief Executive on May 17, 2017 at the New Juaben Municipal Assembly Hall.

Date Created : 5/18/2017 6:19:57 AM : Story Author : Elizabeth Ansaah/Ghanadistricts.com

The confirmation exercise ended on a good note with seventy-seven (77) assembly members out of seventy-eight (78) voting YES to confirming Madam Comfort Asante as Municipal Chief Executive of the New Juaben Municipality.  

In her acceptance speech, Madam Comfort Asante expressed gratitude to all who supported her and gave her pieces of advice that brought her victory. She also pledged to work within the framework of the structure and also to extend a hand of friendship and willingness to work together with everyone for the common course of serving the residents of New Juaben.

She added that it is her prayer that by the end of her term of office, there would be experiences of successes and achievements in the municipality.

The Deputy Regional Minister, Hon. Joseph Tetteh expressed his appreciation to the assembly members for confirming Madam Comfort Asante. He stressed that this will give her the opportunity to work towards the development of the municipality towards its transition to a metropolitan status.