NPP aspirant donates relief items to Fanteakwa South District Assembly

Mr Eric Amoako Twum, an aspiring parliamentary candidate on the ticket of the New Patriotic Party in the Fantiakwa South Constituency has donated items to the Fanteakwa South District Assembly in the Eastern region to assist with the fight against COVID-19.

Date Created : 4/29/2020 3:41:34 AM : Story Author :

The items include packs of GIHOC alcohol-based hand sanitizers, quantities of awake bottled mineral waters, and disposable tissues to aid the staff at the district assembly and the health department of the Fanteakwa south district as they go to the various communities to train and educate the citizenry.

He encouraged citizens to observed all the safety precautions and measures that have been given out by the health experts to help control the spread of the Coronavirus.

The District Chief Executive, Ntori Adjabeng and the District Health department applaud Mr. Twum and his associates for the kind gesture.