ATEBUBU: WVG commissions two projects

World Vision Ghana through the SATISFY project has commissioned a modern gari processing center and a six seater KVIP toilet facility constructed for the Old Kokrompe community in the Atebubu-Amantin district of the Brong Ahafo region.

Date Created : 3/31/2017 1:17:42 AM : Story Author : Daniel Oduro-Stewart/

The two facilities which cost a total of GHC88, 000.00 were funded by the government of Canada through Global Affairs Canada.


At a ceremony to hand over the facilities to the community the Operations Director of WVG Mr. Sagane Thiaw enumerated the contribution that WVG through the SATISFY project has made to the development of communities in the district.


“Over the last 5 years the project has been working with the district assembly, partners and communities to improve the wellbeing of children and families in the areas of household food security and resilience. The project has done numerous interventions in agricultural production and extension services, economic development and market-led income generating activities, natural resource and disaster risk management, nutrition, institutional capacity building as well as gender mainstreaming and advocacy”. He said.


The processing centre

Mr. Thiaw added that the project over the last 5 years trained more than 150 self-sustaining groups in various communities in the district with a total membership of over 4000 who have mobilized savings to the tune of USD 176,259 out of which it has provided collateral free loans to the tune of USD 128,433 for various productive activities adding that this apart helping improve the livelihoods of beneficiaries frees them from the grips of local money lenders whom he described as ‘shylocks’.


“We believe the facility will help households add value to their products, reduce post-harvest losses, and increase household income. The services provided will ease the stress of caregivers within households who used to travel more than 15 kilometers in search of such services”. He concluded.


Earlier in a welcome address, the acting district chief executive and coordinating director of the Atebubu Amantin district assembly Mr. Richardson Acheampong described the WVG’s numerous interventions in the district as complimentary to the efforts of the district assembly and pledged the support of his outfit to the project.


Whiles expressing the assembly’s gratitude to the benefactors he urged the people to ensure a regular maintenance of the facilities to enable them have a long lifespan.


Nana Akwasi Amankwaah, chief of Old Kokrompe wo chaired the function recounted the interventions that WVG has made in his community over the years which include the provision of water, classrooms, toilets among others and wondered what his community would have been like without their benefactors.


The community presented kente clothes to Mr. Thiaw and some members of his entourage as a sign of appreciation for their contribution to the development of Old Kokrompe.