Nadowli-Kaleo DCE vows to improve lives

The Nadowli-Kaleo District Chief Executive, Catherine Lankono has stated that the vision of the Assembly is to improve the quality of the lives of the people by providing basic services and infrastructure necessary for the people.

Date Created : 9/26/2019 2:36:03 AM : Story Author : Rafiq Salam

This she said will hinge on the agenda for job, creating prosperity and equal opportunity for all.

Catherine Lankono made the statement at the meet the press forum organized by the Nadowli-Kaleo District Assembly of the Upper West region.

The Meet The Press Forum is an initiative of Upper West regional Minister, Dr Hafiz Bin Salih which gives the various Municipal and District chief executives' and heads of decentralized departments to showcase the policies and programmes.

It also affords the journalists space to seek for clarification on relevant issues in the municipalities and district.

Catherine Lankono stated that agriculture received a major boost from the government as a result of the implementation for the Planting for Food and Jobs programme.

Mrs. Lankono saidt his has tremendously improved the livelihoods of farmers in the district. She said the district has benefitted from the recent recruitment of agriculture officers in the country. It now has 16 officers comprising of five district officers, eight agricultural extension officers and three vetinary technicians.

On education, Mrs. Lankono disclosed that they have been significant improvement in te sector. She said they have been increase in the number of enrolment at the primary school level.

She said 96% of children attending primary schools in the district would not need to walk more that 5 kilometers in order to have access to primary education, this she attributed to the ''collaborative efforts of the assembly, the Ghana Education Service, Ghana Education Trust Fund and development partners.

All four public Senior High and one Technical Vocational Schools are benefitting from the free senior high school programme.
''The implementation of the programme is a huge relief for the parents and guardians of the beneficiary students as they not to worry about payment of school fees and other ancillary fees,'' she added.

One key challenge faced by the district is on the health sector where 8 of their health facilities were downgraded to the status of CHPS compound with midwife by the National Health insurance Authority.