Okaikwei North MCE Leads the Way in COVID Fight

The Okaikwei North Municipal Assembly (ONMA) has commissioned vaccinators to administer the Covid-19 vaccines.

Date Created : 3/10/2021 12:00:00 AM : Story Author :

This is part of an elaborate plan by the government to reduce the rate of infection among the citizens as vaccinations begin in some 43 districts across the country.

Speaking at the event that saw members of the Abofu Aged Association being vaccinated, the Municipal Chief Executive, Boye Laryea said there is no cause for alarm in respect of the safety of the vaccines.

He said there is no basis for the many conspiracy theories that have been thrown about since the arrival of the vaccines in the country.

The Okaikwei North MCE said the vaccine is just like any other vaccine already in the country adding that there should be no fear and that the vaccine is not to kill anyone.

Mr. Laryea stated that taking the vaccines is a not vote for anyone to stop observing the Covid-19 protocols or let our guard down as a people.

The Municipal Health Director, Dr. Nana Ama Adjabeng said health professionals believe in the vaccine, the very reason why it has been brought into the country for use.

She stated that the Covid-19 death toll is rising and urged all to observe the Covid-19 protocols while taking the vaccines.

Theresa Lardi Awuni the, Member of Parliament for Okaikwei North Constituency urged all to be part of the vaccination.