Issa health centre to be upgraded into District Hospital

Health delivery in the Daffiama Bussie Issa district has been a major challenge in the district, as residents in the district have to travel over 40 kilometers to the nearest communities to access quality healthcare.

Date Created : 12/6/2017 4:26:45 AM : Story Author : Theresa Workartey/

In view of this, the Daffiama bussie Issa District Assembly has resolved to upgrade the community’s only health center to meet the status of Districts Hospital.

Speaking in an interview with Ghanadistricts.Com, District Chief Executive (DCE) for the area, Mr Nadi Imoro Sanda disclosed that necessary stakeholder consultations have be done to ensure that the Issa Health centre is upgraded into a hospital.

He revealed that, extra male and female separate wards, theater, medical laboratory and children’s ward are currently under construction as part of efforts to expand the existing health center to become a full hospital.

According to him, funds were being sourced from the assembly’s share of the Common Fund (DACF) and District Development Fund (DDF) to finish the project on time.

He however, appealed to philanthropists in the area to assist the assembly in their quest to help implement the all-important project.