North Gonja DCE inspects ongoing electrification projects

Electricity has formed the basis of many aspects of the modern world, from providing reliable sources of light to powering home appliances and computers.

Date Created : 4/20/2022 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Ridwan Abubakari/

Since taking over office in 2017, the North Gonja District was far behind in the race to achieve the national Universal Access to Electricity by 2025. The 11% coverage in 2017 was the lowest in the service and infrastructure distribution sector in the District.

The District Chief Executive Eliasu Bawa had connecting at least 15 communities into the national grid, namely; Kaden, Mankarigu, Yagbon, Sakpala, Lukula, Sakpege 1, Sakpege 2, Mempeasem, Bugsa, Zeipe, Disa, Singa, Tari 1, Tari 2 and Banawa.

The DCE together with some Daboya/Mankarigu executives were in Salugu, Nabengu, Tenbang and observe ongoing extension works in these 4 communities.

The Team toured and paid courtesy calls on opinion leaders, chiefs and people in those communities to brief them on government business concerning their socioeconomic welfare.

The visit as indicated also inspected the ongoing works by the contractor in respect of timelines and local interventions needed to aid the contractor hand over work on schedule.

The SDGs Target 7.1 stipulates that by 2030, countries must ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services. According to the UN, about 1.06 billion people still lived without electricity, with more than half of the people living in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The North Gonja District is expected to be out of the woods sooner than later as similar works are ongoing in the Bawena Zone to achieve the National and SDGs in electricity access.